Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker instal
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker instal

For example, the Ionic Ring Ship was developed as a terraforming tool, while the World Devastators were intended to mine asteroids instead, these projects became some of the most destructive weapons known in the galaxy. Some members of the "think tank" were unaware of the military role of the projects many believed that the developments would be used for strictly scientific purposes.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker instal

Numerous experiments were done to produce revolutionary new sources of technology while under Imperial rule. One of these black holes swallowed the Sun Crusher, as Durron piloted it into its gravity well, yet escaped himself. There were few safe routes into the Maw some were known by Admiral Daala and her fleet, but Kyp Durron was able to use the Force to find a route in. The Maw was originally created by the Thuruht as a prison for the dark-side entity Abeloth.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker instal